This is a challenging time for everyone. My family and I have been following the stay at home orders since schools closed in Mid-March. For most of us, we are challenged with working from home, homeschooling, seeking personal space from our families, ordering take out from our neighborhood restaurants, and grocery/pharmacy trips suited up in masks and gloves with no paper products in sight.

How do you find inspiration in all of this? My answer: I don’t know. I really don’t know! But, what I do know is, that I can’t wait around for it! I must continue on even if I have no idea where I’m going. Past experience has shown me that as long as I show up to the easel something will eventually be revealed. I must trust the process.

I’m working from home (my dining room table to be exact) and have had to find a way to continue my creative process in this new studio space. My goal this year was to work larger on canvas. I started this process back in January/February and got a great start on 2 paintings until Covid-19 hit.

How have I been managing with this new normal? Well, what I have been doing is giving myself permission to slow down and lower my expectations. It has allowed me to really focus on the things around me: my family, my dogs, my house, my art and myself.  Selfishly, I have loved having George and the girls home with me. I know that this too shall pass and I will miss having this time with them. But until then, I want to enjoy the time we do have together and share how happy it has made me.

Currently, I am working on small works on paper (image below) and will use them as studies for larger works in the studio once I can return safely. Hopefully, you too, will find things in your life that you can focus on during this time. What inspires you? What expectations can you lower? What brings you joy, gratitude and love?


Working from my dining room table.


Acrylic studies on watercolor paper

Wait for the Moment FAC
This painting was juried into the Foothill’s Art Center for the 2020 Member’s Show this January and will be coming down in May.Here is the link to the tour of the exhibition
(FYI-you can see my painting about 31 minutes into the video.)

Wait for the Moment, 22″ x 30″, Acrylic on Paper Framed
Available for purchase


Happy Spring to Everyone! Stay safe and healthy!
And most of all enjoy your day with the ones you love!